World News | The American University USA (AUGP) Inc  organized a befitting Educational Seminar & Peace Summit  for the Commemoration Of United Nations International Day of Family Remittances on 16 June and Father’s Day ,  followed by The Convocation ,Graduation Of the Alumni of The AUGP USA & UNUGP USA .

His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan  The Chairman cum Chief Rector Of The American University USA Inc. (AUGP, USA ) and The United Nation University For Global Peace USA Inc. ( UNUGP USA ) and Royal Amb.Ps Dr. Verona Broomes .

The Secretary cum Dean ( Academics) Of AUGP USA and UNUGP USA  Coffered  Honoris Causa Doctorate In New York . The event  was well attended and participated by International Communities Leaders from different Continent ..

On the occasion, Special Guest of Honour was His Excellency  Dr. Jude Elie , a dynamic ,highly educated Leader ,The Presidential Candidate Of Haiti ( ).

Beside many others awardees from all Continents , the following VIPs were conferred with Doctorate Honoris Causa for their more than  3 decades of  incredible services  to the Society and Humanity  who were also  promoting Peace Culture to build a transformed civilization of ,” PEACE LOVING -PEACE LIVING-PEACE PRACTICING” Community ,ultimately making Nations Sustainable developed  .

* His Excellency Bishop Dr. Lincoln Swaby

* His Excellency Amb. Dr. Gary Sze Kong

* Her Excellency Amb. Dr. Christina Amy Stevens

* Her Excellency Royal Amb. Ps. Dr. Verona Broomes .

The program was well coordinated, anchored by Her Excellency Ps. Dr. Andrea Thompson and Ps. Mrs. Angela  Lincoln Swaby .

World News | The American University USA, Headed By It’s Chairman His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan Commemorated United Nations International Day Of Family On 16th June 2024 At New York

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